What’s going on at UBC

If you haven’t been around in a while, we have had a few new things going on. One of the big ones is that as of this month we have our debt completely paid off. That is great news as it allows us to put more into ministry. Our building is our own now. Secondly, we opened up our Macomb Personal Care Closet last month and we are able to assist people in need of personal hygiene products, a niche need in our community. We hope that this will also help those in our community, but also give us an opportunity to meet new people who we wouldn’t otherwise. Lastly, we are continuing our Mid-Week Meal and Bible Studies on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm for the meal and 6:30 pm for the Bible Study.

We will be having our Christmas Eve Service on December 24, 2022 at 5:00 pm so come and join us. Also we will be having Christmas Day Worship Service at 10:15 am, but we will not have Sunday School that morning.