Is it Live or Is it Memorex?

Do you remember the old Memorex commercial that always had the sound of the woman singing and the glass breaking and they always asked the question, “Is it live or is it memorex?” Well while we at UBC would much rather have you here live, we also know that sometime this isn’t possible and we are happy to say that as of yesterday we are now recording the messages so you can at least keep up with what is going on.

Also we invite those of you exploring the site to find out more about the church to also listen in as well. We hope that this will not become a replacement for your time in worship, but an enhancement to those times when you cannot join us for whatever reason. Also if you would like a copy on CD we can do that as well, just let us know, otherwise feel free to download them from the website.

As always though I look forward to seeing you here with us this Sunday.

Pastor Rich